


APRIL 5th, 2008

Hi all,

Thanks to all of you who took time from your weekend to come to the Romp at West Austin Park in Austin . What a great turnout and what great dogs and people. It was really fun to see so many all in one spot. And exciting to learn how many were littermates, siblings and half-siblings.

As for future gatherings, if anyone has a favorite dog park to meet, just name the date and time and let's see who shows up. Would be nice to keep the community going and growing. Maggie and I are open to play dates as well.

Also, in all the excitement yesterday, I forgot to pass the hat to help support the West Austin Dog Park . I will get info on how you can make a contribution directly -- and get your dog's name on one of the colorful ceramic bones that decorate the fence around the dog park. Stay tuned. Leslie, I will make sure your donation gets to the proper people. Thank you.

Other comments or ideas, please let me know!

Patti D. 
(Maggie's owner)

Photo by Carrell Grigsby
Austin Photographer of the Year 2004 external link

Photo by Carrell Grigsby


(Thanks to everyone that sent photos! Debbie H., Thomas S., Mark and Jennie G, and Leslie S. and Patty D.)

Doodle Romp Doodle RompDoodle Romp Doodle Romp

paw prints

Hello everyone! This is from Mark and Jeannie G, and Bonzer (goldendoodle) and Tessa (collie mix) in Houston.

We had such a wonderful time at the Doodle Romp, and loved having the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people, and so many sizes,shapes and colors of doodles as well as many "not-a-doodles" (like Tessa)!!!! That was a great day, and thank you again, Patti for organizing everything and getting the word out far and wide.

Mark and Jeannie G, and BonzerI was juggling two types of cameras at the romp, and found that neither one had a "doodle" setting (that would have to be one that would focus and take the photo in a nano-second before the subjects in the photo have vanished). That meant that I had a lot of great "possible" shots that got away, and I have quite a collection of photos of doodle tails, and blurry-furry guys. I tried very hard to get Bonzer, Tessa and Gracie (our dear friends, the Sekels', petite goldendoodle) in a posed shot at the romp, but never succeeded. We decided to try again on the way back to their home after the romp, in a small field of Bluebonnets, for a truly Texas-style photo opportunity. I included those in the album. (You can see that took several tries as well!)

I have posted the photos on Dropshots-you can click on the album "Doodle Romp Austin TX 4-5-08" to see all of the photos, and there is one very short (just a few seconds) video of getting the doodle gang together for the professional photo. I didn't have a good angle to get the video, but it is kind of amusing to see everyone getting in place for the reunion photo!

By the way, there is one more video on the Dropshots webpage from February O8. It is a 5- minute, 2-song, video of Bonzer working on some dance moves. This isn't a routine, as such, but rather, a glimpse into a rehearsal. We were working on a couple of brand-new things (at the time). "Back around" (circling me backwards) and "Shy" (where he lifts his paw like a salute). Just click on the play arrow on the icon in the Bonzer Dance Videos if you would like to watch. It is all strictly for fun and Bonzer really loves to find a new behavior to put in the mix.

Doodle RompLinda, we were really hoping to see you, but you were well-represented by your many Timshell "kids". Do keep in touch! 

Here is the link: external link

The links to the albums are on the left sidebar

Thanks again to everyone involved, Jeannie G.

Doodle Romp


paw prints