


Our Medium Petite Goldendoodles


Harry & Spanky!

Harry & Spanky, from Ruby and Bogey's litter of Medium Petites, are with two different families that are friends, and they get to visit each other frequently.

Here's a report below, on the boys!


Brothers (Medium Petite Goldendoodles)
Laurie, Tim, Vi and 'Joe of the North'
Rockport , MA

Hi from Rockport and Marcellus -

Sorry to have missed you both by only a few early morning minutes - but I enjoyed meeting your son and his wife. It seems you breed good humans too. Spanky, ever the introvert, took about 30 minutes to realize Harry was truly Harry - after that they never stopped wrestling for the whole weekend.

"Harry" & "Spanky!"Check out this pic taken by Laurie from the front seat of the car. Harry on left - Spanky on right.

He's the bright spot in everyone's day. My nieces and nephews can't get enough of him, and my wife, Vi is totally in love with Spanky. She rushes home from work to receive his daily greeting of body wagging and face licking. He is unquestionably the best dog I have ever had and I am presently saving for his college education. (maybe just a community college). Hope all is well down there. Do you breed pecanapoos? (is that the thousandth time you've heard that joke?)

Take care,

Joe of the North

