

Why Should We Use an In-Home Trainer?

Why Should We Get an In-Home Trainer? - by Stacy Greer
Steve Haynes, Fidelio Dog Works in Austin, Texas

Basic, in-home training will prevent behavior problems and will make life better for you and your dog.

Why not work with an in-home trainer to establish good habits and bond with your new companion, getting off to a great start together?

Stephen HaynesParents spend a lot of time teaching their children the right way to behave, and our four-legged family members need to learn good manners, too. It's a fact: well-trained dogs are happier, healthier, and safer than ones who don't understand "the rules."

Trained dogs are less likely to get into trouble or develop bad habits detrimental to their health, like chasing cars or eating harmful things.

In my experience, dogs who misbehave are not "bad" at all - they're really just nervous and unhappy, or simply don't know any better. Dogs who feel comfortable with their owners, their home, and the outside world are much safer than ones who spend their time "acting out."

You don’t want your dog to run into traffic or chase wild animals if it gets outside. 

You don’t want your dog to “take you for a walk” and choke itself on its leash as it drags you everywhere.

You don’t want your dog to jump on your family members and house guests; bark threateningly when the doorbell rings; chews on inappropriate items like shoes, furniture, and fingers.

Consult a professional in-home trainer to get off to a good beginning with your new companion. 


(Thank you, Steve, for the information on in-home training and for the great work you have done with our Goldendoodles in the Austin, Texas area! Linda Rogers, Timshell Farm.)


Stephen Haynes
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